144th Birth Anniversary of Sardar Patel, which is being observed as National Unity Day, was celebrated at Vivekananda auditorium of AKS University, on Thursday. Throwing lights on the effulgent life stories of Iron Man, Dr. RS Mishra, HoD (Education) narrated as to how a man belonged to a simple family, became the Architect of Modern India. On this occasion, a series of cultural activities were also organized which had the themes related to the sovereignty, integrity and national unity of the country. A Quiz competition was also organized by BD Patel and Anuruddh Kumar (faculty members) in which participants responded excellently on the matters related to the life and achievements of Sardar Patel. Faculty members-Narendra Kumar and Shikha Tripathi shouldered on the responsibilities related to the Debate competition while Poornima Singh organized sports and other activities under her supervision. Dr Kalpana Mishra, Ranu Soni and Neeru Singh also contributed to the various cultural events organized at the auditorium.
Communicating their messages on National Unity Day, Director, Amit Kumar Soni; Pro-VC, RS Tripathi; Professor RN Tripathi and Dr. RS Nigam, in a same tone said: “India has been a land of sages, and has been built by our ancestors laying down their lives for the protection of its cultural and religious heritage, and now it’s our responsibility to carry forward their legacy with full of sincerity and gravity.” At the end of programme, prizes were given to the participants, who participated in various cultural activities.