Food Production Unit of International Flight of Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Andheri, has selected the six students named Harsh Tarkar, Rahul Pratap, Anirudh Patel, Jahnvi Gautam, Monika Uike and Vivek Kumar Tiwari (all from six semester, B.Tech Food Technology, AKSU) to impart the training for the food safety audit of the foodstuffs, served in international flights.
“After the completion of one month training, all the six students will complete their internship training programme also from the same Aviation Unit”, Rajesh Mishra (HoD) said.
Notably, students selected for the training will learn the auditing of both processed and unprocessed food following the guidelines of FSSI. Interestingly, students thus trained will also get geared up to get the permanent job here in Aviation Unit.
Rajesh Mishra (HoD, Food Tech) has advised the students to receive the training with full dedication as the training thus received will open the new doors of opportunities for them.