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One can observe a series of campus drives in AKS University, and students are getting the chance of working in reputed companies, in this sequence, Reliance Jio Telecom was invited for the campus drive of all the graduate students of University. Informing about it, company HR told that the campus drive was aimed at recruiting the post of Branch Sales Officer for the Satna region.

At the end of Drive, 18 students were selected on a salary package of 1.20 lacks/annum. Selected students were congratulated by management, with best wishes for their future.



Hits: 1969


 Aakash Narayan, Professor from Usmania University, Hyderabad, visited AKS University on dated 16/07/2018, and delivered lecture on Astro Physics. Through his lecture, Professor Narayan detailed the students about formation of stars, average age of stars, sun and super nova, and told as to how they can shape up their career in physics and astronomy. Another objective of the lecture was to develop the research aptitude within students of B.Sc. and M.Sc (Physics).

 Professor RN Tripathi, Dr. Neelesh Rai, Dr.OP Tripathi, Dr.Dinesh Mishra, Dr.Sudha Agrawal, Lovely Singh Gaharvar, Saket Kumar and Puneet Chanpuriya, played key role and encouraged the students during the lecture. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Neelesh Rai.

Hits: 1870


 Students belonging to various faculty of AKS University, as a part of their curriculum, are given the opportunity to receive the training in regular intervals. In this series, civil engineering students recently visited the construction site of the Tilwara Ghat Bridge of Narmada River, where they interacted with the engineers named Shyamal Saxena and BK Tiwari, who guided them about the construction activities going on in Bridge. It was  twenty days training  programme where students received the basic knowledge of foot plate, spindal jack, basic frame,bressing,cupplor,spring jack pin, large pipe head, tie rod,chuchnut,wing nut and joint plate. In addition to it, students also visited the road construction sites of Rewa, Katni, Jabalpur and Lakhanadaun where they understood the various aspects of civil engineering like design manufacturing components, slab casting, foundation and footing and bracing element under the guidance of Shivani Garg and Vishutosh Vajpayee. Speaking about the training programme, students said that the training was exceptionally good, and it helped them in learning the intricacies of bridge designing and road construction.

Hits: 1831

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Hits: 1552


दिनांक-16.07.2018 केा एकेएस विश्वविद्यालय के । ब्लाॅकए ब्.11 सभागार में बी.एस.सी (कम्प्यूटर साइंस एवं गणित) एवं एम.एस.सी (भौतिकी) के विद्यार्थियों के लिए एस्ट्रोफिजिसिस्ट आकाश नारायण जो कि एस्ट्रोनाॅमी एवं एस्ट्रोफिजिक्स विभाग, उस्मानिया विश्वविद्यालय, हैदराबाद में कार्यरत ने विद्यार्थियों को (तारों का बनना, सुपर नोवा, तारों की औसत आयु, हमारा ग्रहीय तारा सूर्य) के बारे मंे वृहद् स्तर से समझाया तथा ये भी बताया कि इस क्षेत्र मंे एम.एस.सी (भौतिकी) के विद्यार्थी अपना कैरियर कैसे बना सकते हैं। ज्ञातव्य हैं ’कि विगत वर्ष जो नोबल पुरस्कार भौतिकी के क्षेत्र में दिया गया था उसमें महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खगोलशास्त्री की रही। इस व्याख्यान का महत्व छात्रों के बीच रिसर्च के लिए प्रेरित करना रहा।
इनकी रही मुख्य भूमिका- प्रो. आर.एन. त्रिपाठी (डीन बेसिक साइंस), डाॅ नीलेश राय डाॅ. ओ.पी. त्रिपाठी, डाॅ. दिनेश मिश्रा, डाॅ. सुधा अग्रवाल, लवली सिंह गहरवार, साकेत कुमार एवं पुनीत चनपुरिया ने विद्यार्थियों का उत्साहवर्धन किया। आभार प्रदर्शन डाॅ नीलेश राय (विभागाध्यक्ष भौतिकी संकाय) ने किया।

Hits: 1568


सतना। एकेएस वि.वि. सतना में टाॅपर टेक्नोलाॅजीज प्रा.लि. ने कैम्पस के माध्यम से विभिन्न संकायों के विद्यार्थियों को चयनित किया। वि.वि. में कैम्पस का सिलसिला लगातार जारी है, इसी कड़ी में मोस्ट इनोवेटिव युनिवर्सिटी इन सेंट्रल इंडिया 2018 अवार्डेड वि.वि. में टाॅपर टेक्नोलाॅजीज प्रा.लि. ने बी.टेक और एमबीए के छात्रों का चयन किया। भोपाल, इंदौर और रायपुर लोकेशन के लिये कैम्पस का आयोजन किया गया। वि.वि. के छात्रों ने इसमें बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया। एरिया सेल्स एग्जिक्यूटिव/टेक्नीशियन पद के लिये चयनित किये गये प्रतिभागियों को 4 लाख के साथ इन्सेंटिव भी कम्पनी के द्वारा प्रदान किया जायेगा। चयनित हुए विद्यार्थियों को वि.वि. प्रबंधन ने शुभकामनाएं देते हुए उनके उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना की है।


Hits: 1416


सतना। एकेएस वि.वि. सतना में टाॅपर टेक्नोलाॅजीज प्रा.लि. ने कैम्पस के माध्यम से विभिन्न संकायों के विद्यार्थियों को चयनित किया। वि.वि. में कैम्पस का सिलसिला लगातार जारी है, इसी कड़ी में मोस्ट इनोवेटिव युनिवर्सिटी इन सेंट्रल इंडिया 2018 अवार्डेड वि.वि. में टाॅपर टेक्नोलाॅजीज प्रा.लि. ने बी.टेक और एमबीए के छात्रों का चयन किया। भोपाल, इंदौर और रायपुर लोकेशन के लिये कैम्पस का आयोजन किया गया। वि.वि. के छात्रों ने इसमें बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया। एरिया सेल्स एग्जिक्यूटिव/टेक्नीशियन पद के लिये चयनित किये गये प्रतिभागियों को 4 लाख के साथ इन्सेंटिव भी कम्पनी के द्वारा प्रदान किया जायेगा। चयनित हुए विद्यार्थियों को वि.वि. प्रबंधन ने शुभकामनाएं देते हुए उनके उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना की है।


Hits: 1465

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Hits: 1480


Students from various faculties were selected in a campus drive organized recently in AKS University. Informing about it, Head,T&P told that the Topper Technologies Private Limited came in University for the drive, which witnessed the active participation of the students from B.Tech and MBA. “Students have been selected for the post of Area Sales Executive/Technician in salary package of 4 lacs/annum, and will be posted in Bhopal, Indore and Raipur regions of the company.” He further informed. Successful students were congratulated by the Management (AKSU), and wished “all the best” for their bright future.

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 Kamlesh Chaure-HoD (Bio-Tech) presented his research paper in 10th InternationalSymposium for Root Researchat the Forefront of Science organized by International society for Route Research, in Yarushalam (Israel). The Symposium took place between 8th to 12th of July, 2018, where Dr. Chaure presented his research paper on “Application of Nano Technology with MicrobialTechnology for Innovation in Agriculture Practices.” On the basis of his research, he worked on Microbial Bio formulation which can increase the life of bio fertilizer by 3 to 5 years. His Research will be helpful in manufacturing latest biofertilizers which will assist the farmers in dealing with the problems related to agriculture. As the research is innovative and first of its kind, was placed at the category of top seven research papers of the symposium. Other researches which were brought  under exceptional and  innovative categories were: Dr.Elvin Smakar,Mitchigun State University; Dr.Soloman Ithosike,University of Lodge, Belgium; Dr.Christian Teejke,University of Postdam,Germany;Nirtin Burnsteev,Volcane Center, Israel; Dr.Dotis Veterline,Department of soil System, Germany. The Research paper of Dr. Chaure, which was appreciated by all, and will soon be published in Plant and Swine journal of Springer Publication. On this achievement, Dr Chaure was congratulated by Chairman, Er. Anant Soni; Vice-Chancellor, PK Banik; Pro-VC, Dr.Harshvardhan; Pro-VC, Dr.RS Triparhi and Dr.RN Tripathi.

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