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सतना। एकेएस विश्वविद्यालय के फूड टेक्नाॅलाजी विभाग के 30 विद्यार्थी विभिन्न प्रतिष्ठत संस्थानो में फूड टेिस्ंटंग की ट्रेनिंग प्राप्त करेगें। इस बारे में जानकारी देते हुए फूड टेक्नाॅलाजी विभाग के डायरेक्टर डाॅ. सी. के. टेकचंदानी ने बताया कि 13 विद्यार्थी आईआईसीपीटी ,तंजौर, 8 विद्यार्थी श्रीजी एनालिटिकल एंड रिसर्च लेबोरेटरीज प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, इन्दौर , 8 विद्यार्थी जेएनकेवीवी ,जबलपुर में 13 जून से 12 जुलाई तक प्राप्त करेगें।


मीडिया विभाग
एकेएस विश्वविद्यालय, सतना

Hits: 1186

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Hits: 1370

Semester Examination of various faculty like Engineering, Management, commerce, B.Ed, Computer Science, Biotech, Food Technology, Pharmacy and MSW have commenced from 16/05/2016. For further information students may contact their respective HODs.

Hits: 1766

Admission and counseling department of AKS University has started the admission process for various courses being run in AKS University. Informing about it, Admission-in-charge told that admissions have commenced for the various courses like,M.Tech, Diploma (Mining, Cement, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Food Technology), Information Technology, Agricultural Engineering, Commerce courses (B.Com, CAP,CSP), Management courses (BBA, MBA), Food Technology, MSW, Computer Science, and BA (Fashion designing). Apart from these, the admissions are on for the courses like B.ED, M.Phil. and PhD as well. Candidates willing to get admission may get the detailed information about courses & admissions either from AKS University or from APS Building (city office) situated in front of bus stand.

Hits: 1619

AKS University, the “Educational Hub” of Vindhya region, organized yet another Campus Drive here on Wednesday. Informing about it T&P head M.K. Pandey told that 100 students participated in placement drive and six students were finally selected for the “Senior Bank Officer” post. Selected students will receive a salary package of Rs 2.33/Annum at the initial stage. The names of selected students are: Anamika Gupta, Shreyata Dixit, Jitendra Soni, Jyoti Jaiswal, Sandhya Mishra and Anshuman Singh. Selected students accepted that the syllabus played a key role in their selection as it has been designed keeping in view the need of the industries, they expressed their gratitude to faculty members also for their constant support and guidance. On this achievement of students Chancellor B.P. Soni, Vice Chancellor P.K.Banik, Chairman Er.Anant Soni, Pro V.C. Dr.Harshwardhan, Dr. R.S.Tripathi, Professor R.N.Tripathi, T&P head M.K. Pandey, Dean, Directors and HODs of all departments congratulated and extended their best wishes to them. 

Hits: 1595



सतना। डाॅ. लक्ष्मी चिकाटा मार्ला भारतवंशी आस्ट्रेलिया में खनन विशेषज्ञ हैं, इन दिनों वह भारतीय दौरे पर हैं। डाॅ. लक्ष्मी जियो गैस आस्ट्रेलिया के (सीबीएम कोल बैड मिथैन) प्रमुख विशेषज्ञ हैं। इन्होंने भारत दौरे के दौरान बीसीसीएल की मुनिडीह कोयला खदान, इंडियन स्कूल आॅफ माइन्स धनबाद, कोल इंडिया आदि प्रमुख कोयला क्षेत्रीय संस्थानों का भ्रमण किया। इन्होंने कोयला क्षेत्रीय संस्थानों एवं कोयले में उपलब्ध मीथेन गैस एवं इसके भविष्य के बारे में विशेषज्ञों से परिचर्चायें कीं। गौरतलब है कि 25 मई को इंडियन स्कूल आॅफ माइन्स धनबाद में इन्होंने एकेएस वि.वि. के इंजीनियरिंग एण्ड टेक्नालाॅजी डीन डाॅ. जी.के. प्रधान के साथ चर्चा के दौरान डाॅ. लक्ष्मी चिकाटा मार्ला ने एकेएस वि.वि. के छात्रों को जियो गैस की संस्थान में भेजने के प्रावधान, माइनिंग में पढ़ाए जाने वाले सिलेबस एवं खनन उद्योग की नई तकनीक पर एकेएसयू के साथ सहयोग पर चर्चा की और भविष्य की महत्वपूर्ण संभावनाओं पर भी बात की।


मीडिया विभाग
एकेएस विश्वविद्यालय, सतना

Hits: 1245

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Hits: 1441


AKS University has been organizing Campus Placement Drives in regular intervals and the students from all streams are getting the opportunities to shape their career. In this series, one of the reputed companies named “Bioaluts Pharmaceuticals Private Ltd.”, a Mumbai based company organized a “Placement Drive” in AKSU campus and selected 11 students from various streams such as B.Sc. Biotech, M.Sc Biotech, B.Pharma and MBA. Informing about the Drive T&P head M.K. Pandey told that the students have been selected for the post of Supply Manager and Marketing Manager with salary package of Rs. 2.4 lacks/Annum.


It is no denying the fact that AKS University has maintained its record of providing 100% placement to its students. Selected students have given the credit of their success to upgraded  quality of education being imparted in AKS University.


Hits: 1814

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Hits: 1475