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Under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Ashwini A. Wau, working in the Department of Biotechnology, the Research Scholars of AKS University Charu Vyas and Shivangi Agnihotri presented a virtual paper at the 8th International Conference of ISPEK held at Vingol University, Turkey. The theme of the conference was Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Rural Development.  The topic of Research Scholar Charu Vyas was Microbial Consortium Medicated Approach for Restoration of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil while the topic of Shivangi Agnihotri was Bioinoculants for Elevating Salinity Stress in Plants.  Be prophetic.  On their efforts, the Dean of Biotech Department, Prof. G.P.  Richaria and Head of the Department Dr.  Kamlesh Choure have given best wishes for excellent research work and progress in future.

Hits: 893


. Under the join taegis of Indian Institute of Technology, Indore, Vigyan Bharati and M.P. Council of Science and Technology, the four-day program was successfully conducted. Representing the  University in four days conference of Indian Institute of Technology, Lovely Singh Gaharwar, Faculty of Basic Science, presented a research poster on Synthesis and Characterization of Multi Ferroic Materials for Device Application.  She attended and have brought laurels to the University family.  The objective of the Science Conference is to develop skills and promote fundamental research in the context of the National Education Policy 2020.  It is noteworthy that the  Students of University Ravindra Pandey, Suraj Soni, Prince Kumar, Anurag Sharma, Shivank Singh, Jagriti Kushwaha, Ranjana Kushwaha and Pooja Pandey also attended the conference.  A total of 17 seminars, 3 conclaves and science exhibition were organized in the conference, in which 271 research papers, 47 poster presentations and many models were presented.  A total of 676 participants from the state and 272 from other states registered in the science conference.  The science conference was inaugurated by Chief Minister Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan with the chief hospitality and the conference concluded by the Union Minister of State for Education, Dr. SubhashSarkar. The program held in the presence of eminent personalities of the state, Om Prakash Saklecha, Dr.  Anil Kakodkar, Prof.  Deepak B.  Reader, Dr.  Shekhar Shree Mande, Dr.  Anil Kothari, Prof.  Nilesh Kumar Jain, Dr.  Bharatsharan Singh, Dr. Pramod Verma, Minister, Higher Education Mohan Yadav, Prof.  Vijay P.  Bhatkar, Prof.  Sudhir S.  Bhadauria, Prof.  Renu Jain, and Prof. Santosh Vishwakarma participated in various stages.  Anant Kumar Soni, Pro-Chancellor, Dean Basic Sciences, Prof.  R .  N Tripathi, Dr. Nilesh Roy, Dr.  C .  P .  Singh, Lovely Singh Gaharwar, Atuldeep Soni, Gauri Richaria, Dr.  Sudha Agarwal, Dr.  Dinesh Mishra Manish Agarwal and Saket Kumar have congratulated all the participants.



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There are continuous campus drives in all the faculties of AKS University, Satna, in this sequence, two students have been selected for Meghalaya location. The two students have been offered Graduate Trainee Post. Both students Anuj Kumar Singh, B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 2020 batch passout  and Sudhir Kumar Choudhary B.  Tech Electrical Engineering have qualified  for the post after written test and interview. HOD Eng.  Rama Shukla and Head of Mechanical Engineering Dr.  Pankaj Shrivastava, Placement Officer Balendra Vishwakarma whileadvisingthemtoworkwithdedicationandhardwork, they have wished the students a bright future.

Hits: 1115


Researcher Manish Kushwaha, Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Science, AKS University Satna gave his presentation on Effect of Ground Water Quality for Irrigation Purpose in Satna District. The content and presentation impressed all the attendees very much and they appreciated the presentation. He was honoured by Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh in the three-day International Conference held there.  He has been awarded the Young Scientist Award by the Global Environment and Social Association.  On his achievement, the University's  Dean of Life Sciences Prof.  G .  P .  Richaria, Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Dr.  Mahendra Kumar Tiwari, Dr.  R .  S .  Shikarwar, Dr. Shailendra Yadav, Suman Patel, Bhupendra Singh, while expressing their  happiness, described Manish Kushwaha as energetic and dedicated researcher and wished him a bright future.  It is noteworthy that Manish had received the Young Professional Award in the past days and he has got this second achievement in a single week.

Hits: 901


Shipra Bagri, a student of MSW, Department of AKS University, Satna, has been selected as Block Coordinator in Digital Panchayat Project, Panna.  Shipra has also worked as an intern in the Vikas Samvad program in the past.  Shipra Bagri is studying in 3rd semester in MSW department of AKS University Satna. She will be provided salary and incentives during her training.  On her achievement, the Head of the Department, Manju Chatterjee has congratulated her and wished for her bright future.

Hits: 880


एकेएस विश्वविद्यालय, सतना के समस्त संकायों में निरंतर Campus हो रहे हैं इसी क्रम में दो छात्रों का मेघालय Location के लिए चयन किया गया है छात्रों को गे्रजुएट training post offer की गई है दोनो छात्रों अनुज कुमार सिंह, बी.टेक मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग 2020 बैच पसआउट और सुधीर कुमार चैधरी बी. टेक इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियरिंग, विभागाध्यक्ष इंजी.रमा शुक्ला और मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग विभागाध्यक्ष डाॅ. पंकज श्रीवास्तव, Placement officer बालेन्द्र विश्वकर्मा ने लगन और मेहनत से कार्य करने की सलाह देते हुए Students के उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना की है।

Hits: 851


भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, इंदौर, विज्ञान भारती एवं म.प्र. काउंसिल आॅफ साइंस एण्ड टेक्नाॅलाॅजी के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में चार दिवसीय कार्यक्रम सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न हुआ। एकेएस वि.वि. सतना के बेसिक साइंस फैकल्टी लवली सिंह गहरवार ने भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान के चार दिवसीय सम्मेलन मे प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए सिंथेसिस एण्ड कैरेक्टराइजेशन आॅफ मल्टी फेरोइक मैटेरियल फाॅर डिवाइज एप्लीकेशन पर रिसर्च पोस्टर प्रजेन्ट किया।उन्होंने एकेएस वि.वि. और अपने परिजनों का नाम रोशन किया है। विज्ञान सम्मेलन का उद्येश्य राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के परिपे्रक्ष्य में कौशल विकसित करना और मौलिक शोध को बढावा देना है।उल्लेखनीय है कि वि.वि. के छात्रों रविन्द्र पाण्डेय, सूरज सोनी, प्रिस कुमार, अनुराग शर्मा, शिवांक सिंह, जागृति कुशवाहा, रंजना कुशवाहा, पूजा पाण्डेय भी सम्मेलन में शामिल हुए। सम्म्ेालन में कुल 17संगोष्ठी, 3 काॅनक्लेव एवं विज्ञान प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें 271रिसर्च पेपर,47 पोस्टर प्रजेन्टेशन एवं कई माॅडल प्रस्तुत किए गए। विज्ञान सम्मेलन में प्रदेश के कुल 676 एवं अन्य प्रदेशों से 272 प्रतिभागियों ने पंजीयन कराया। विज्ञान सम्म्ेालन का शुभारंभ मुख्यमंत्री मध्यप्रदेश शिवराज सिंह चैहान के मुख्य आतिथ्य और सम्म्ेलन का समापन केन्द्रीय शिक्षा राज्यमंत्री डाॅ.सुभाष सरकार की उपस्थिति में हुआ।कार्यक्रम में प्रदेश के गणमान्य विभूतियों सर्वश्री ओम प्रकाश सकलेचा, डाॅ. अनिल काकोडकर, प्रो.दीपक बी. पाठक, डाॅ. शेखर श्री माण्डे, डाॅ.अनिल कोठारी, प्रो.नीलेश कुमार जैन, डाॅ. भरतशरण सिंह,,डाॅ प्रमोद वर्मा,मंत्री, उच्च शिक्षा मोहन यादव, प्रो. विजय पी.भाटकर, प्रो.सुधीर एस. भदौरिया, प्रो.रेणु जैन, प्रो.संतोष विश्वकर्मा जैसी विभूतियों ने विभिन्न चरणों में शिरकत की। वि.वि. के प्रोचांसलर अनंत कुमार सोनी, डीन बेसिक साइंस प्रो.आर.एन.त्रिपाठी, डाॅ.नीलेश राॅय,डाॅ.सी.पी.सिंह,लवली सिंह गहरवार,अ तुलदीप सोनी,गौरी रिछारिया, डाॅ.सुधा अग्रवाल, डाॅ.दिनेश मिश्रा और मनीष अग्रवाल,साकेत कुमार ने सभी प्रतिभागियों को बधाई दी है।


Hits: 832


AKS University Satna has a Memorandum of Understanding with various foreign institutions for training and skilling in all its faculties, in this series, other institutions are also extending their hands with the vision for continuous progress.  The team from SafeEducate Learning has joined hands with AKS University, to develop the latest technology, innovative tools, rich pool of experience sharing, qualified and certified trainers,  subject experts.  Along with this, an agreement has also been made in both the institutions for industry related works, programs and workshops.  For cooperation and service, both the institutes will  cooperate and collaborate to achieve the high end results, shared Dr.  Kaushik Mukherjee, Head of Department of Management.  It is worth mentioning that SafeEducate has received many awards of excellence.  The representatives of the University were also elated to associate with SafeEducate Learning and they look forward to academic excellence.  During the discussion on training and skill development, the University's Pro Chancellor, Anant Kumar Soni, Per Vice Chancellor Dr.  Harsh Vardhan and representatives of SafeEducate were present. 


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A programme on The great mathematician of India late Shreenivas Ramanujan was organized  in Vivekananda Prasar of AKS University Satna. A program series was organized on Srinivasa Ramanujan.  In which his incomparable contribution in the field of mathematics, the relevance of celebrating National Mathematics Day, his achievements, his meeting with Hardy, his scholarship, his mastery in trigonometry were discussed.  Quiz was organized in this category in which hundreds of participants displayed their knowledge and tried their luck by answering the questions asked on Ramanujan.  Its top winner Rajat Soni, Biotechnology, Second Priyanshu Goswami, B.Tech Mining, and Third place, Ishika Singh of  B.Sc. CS.  In the second round, Vikas Pandey stood first, Alok Tamrakar, second and Anjali Kushwaha stood third in the speech competition.  In the third episode, Shivanshu Jaiswal, Naina, Dhruv Singh, Anuj Mehak and Madhu got the first position while drawing a series of imaginations through the poster. Anshika, Alok, Harsh, Samridhi, Sapna, Jitendra, Jagnandan, Jhanvi, Pranshi, Priyanshu, Kailash, Kamlesh and Khushi performed brilliantly in the screen test and secured selection. Under the guidance of Head of Department of Mathematics Dr.  Sudha Agarwal, the outline of the entire program took shape.  The responsibility of conducting the stage of the National Mathematics Day 2021 program was given by Dr.  Ekta Shrivastava, Vandana Soni and Ghanshyam Sen. The blueprint of the poster presentation was given by Arun Saket and Radhakrishnan. On the spot quiz by Neelkanth and Arun Saket, and also the sketches of the quiz competition.  The presence of all the seniors of the university and all the faculties of Basic Sciences was remarkable on this occasion.  In the program Dr.  GS  Pandey threw light on the importance of Ramanujan and mathematics in detail.

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.  Vikas Sanodiya, a student of Department of Biotechnology, AKS University, Satna has been selected in HDFC Bank.  He has been selected for the post of Financial Services Associate.  His workplace is Indore city of Madhya Pradesh.  On the selection of the student Anant Kumar Soni, Pro-Chancellor, Prof.  R .  S .  Tripathi, Vice Chancellor Dr.  Harsh Vardhan, Dean, Department of Biotech, Dr.  G.P.  Richaria, and Head of the Department, Kamlesh Choure have wished the student all the best for his bright future.

Hits: 879