Ghanshyam Mhatre, the Vice President of Larsen & Toubro, the world’s fifth largest construction company, paid a maiden visit to AKS University recently, which was termed “significant” by the University sources. A training session was organized at the auditorium of AKS University, where Ghanshyam imparted the training to students on the topic “Design of Mind to Achieve the Success”. Interacting with the students and Faculty Members of AKS University, he frankly applauded the progress made by AKS University in recent Years.”AKS University has the immense talent, and I am impressed with the students and existing infrastructure of University”, he added. Appreciating the courses running in AKS University, he said that these courses are the excellent, and have high scope, as far as employment demand is concerned.
The main objective of the visit was to have the interaction with the students, and to hypothesize the concept of modernization, and to promote it. Mr. Mhatre was apprised about the fact that the running syllabus of the courses is industry oriented, and helps in acquiring the practical knowledge of the subject, so that students could be transformed as competent professionals.
During the visit, Mr. Mahatre assured to students of AKS University to provide apprentice training, vocational training and HR training in his company (Larsen and Toubro). Mahatre termed the visit as a result oriented and encouraging one. Notably, Ghanshyam Mhatre is a globally recognized executive coach, certified trainer, as well as a certified CEO. The visit of Vice President of Larsen & Toubro has also paved the way to set up collaboration between AKS University and L&T.