“One more feather in its cap”, AKS University gets “Best University in Central India Award-2019”
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AKS University got one more feather in its cap when it was awarded as the “Best University in central India award-2019”, in a grand function organized in New Delhi, on Wednesday. Ajay Soni, Director, AKSU, collected the prestigious award at the hands of Shaziya Ilmi, the leader of ruling BJP. AKS University, which has been felicitated in the same fashion, in past also, has been putting efforts to achieve academic excellence in field of professional and technical education.
“The function had been organized under the supervision of Integrated Chambers of Commerce and Industries, New Delhi, which witnessed the presence of the dignitaries, invited from all over India”, informed University sources. On this achievement, AKS University is being applauded by all the sections of society, with an expectation that it would continue with its efforts to achieve the academic excellence in future as well.