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“Modal Exhibition” in Department of Civil Engineering

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A “Modal Exhibition Competition” was held in department of Civil Engineering, which became a potential platform for the students to showcase the power of their knowledge and skills.  Students looked fully innovative while exhibiting the modals, and jury members were equally surprised to see their performance. Parallel to Modal Exhibition, a Quiz competition was also organized where students were found responding to the queries in an excellent way. In Exhibition, students were being backed and motivated by the faculty members named Vishutosh Vajpayee, Shubhanshu Tripathi, Akshay and Radhe Shyam Soni, who kept on encouraging them throughout the programme.The first prize was given to the team of Vaibhav Patel, while the team of Gaurav Verma had to be contented with the second prize. In one of the another events named  “Pop side Bridge competition” , team of Gaurav Verma won the title while the team of Shashank was declared “Runner up” by the jury members.Dr. GK Pradhan, (Dean Engineering), faculty members and a large number of students were present on the occasion, who kept encouraging the participants with big round of applause.



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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025