“Guru-Dakshina” staged at the Auditorium of AKS University
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Guru-Dakshina, the play which reflected the vivid scenes of Dwapar age, mesmerized the audience when staged at the jam packed auditorium of AKS University. The theme of the play, which touched the soul of the audience, was portrayed magnificently by the artists, who had been trained by the Cultural Directorate Department of AKS University.
The conversations, took place between Eklavya and Dronacharya, and Arjuna & Dronacharya, were beautifully and vividly displayed in the play. Delicate and compassionate staging of various scenes like Eklavya, relentlessly practicing archery standing in front of the portrait of Guru Dronacharya, fulfillment of Dronacharya’s promise given to Arjuna, and the thumb demand of Dronacharya from Eklavya as Guru Dakshina, were presented outstandingly in the play.
Artists named Amit Shukla, Rohit Khilwani, Ranjana Bunkar, Puja Sen, Akshay Balecha, Shubham Jain, Payal Gupta, Devendra Verma, Shilpa dwivedi and Swati Prithwani, gave the outstanding performance, and received the big round of applause from the audience.