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Fresher’s Party in Pharmacy Department

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Pharmacy Department (AKSU) on Wednesday organized a fresher’s party for the new coming students which was full of the activities on the themes like “A  new beginning should be celebrated”, “let yourself be known to your peer”, “so come forward and reveal yourself” and “reveal yourselves with music” etc.  Er. Anant Soni, who was present on the occasion, motivated the new comers through his words, and said that the field of pharmacy demands the innovation, so pull your socks to become more innovative in future.

 Highlighting the reputation of AKS University, Pro VC-Dr. Harshvardhan said that the fame of University is now crossing the boundaries, and now it is a well known name in field of higher education. Emphasizing on the need of research, he said that the talent of the students must be brushed up, and it should be mandatory for the students to give paper presentation in an interval of 15 days.

Interacting with the students, Professor G P Richhariya said that the dedication and discipline play an important role in student’s life.  Dr. Surya Prakash Gupta said that the responsibility of realizing your dream is now in our shoulders but you need to be focused on your studies.

The function got the colours through the variety of cultural programmes, and at the end, students were selected for the crown of Mr. Fresher, Mrs. Fresher, Mr. Party and Miss Party.



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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025