Dr. Rama Shukla, Faculty Member, AKS University Presented Paper in an International Conference
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Dr. Rama Shukla, HOD, Electrical Engineering presented her research paper in an international seminar, where the representatives of various countries like Italy, Srilanka,Bangladesh, and Kuwait also made their participation. The conference had been organized in Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal between 8th to 9th of December. While presenting the research paper, Dr. Rama Shukla informed to the audience as to how it may be possible to generate the electricity without damaging the living plants. She also apprised the audience about her experiment carried out on alovera and banana plants. She also told the audience about the cleanliness campaign initiated by AKS University in its campus, to create the attractive environment. The paper presentation of Rama Shukla was widely appreciated by the intellectual audience present over there. On this occasion, Dr. Shukla was conferred with the membership certificate of Indian institute of Technical Education.