AKS University Dignified completion of Agrifest -2020 in third day Quality production will be done through organic farming - Padmashree Babulal Dahiya
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AKS University in the presence of thousands of farmers, the grand finale of Agritech -2020 was organized in collaboration with Madhya Pradesh Government, Department of Agricultural Development, Petroleum Conservation Research Association and NABARD. Addressing the farmers present at the Kisan Kalyan Mela, Chief Guest Padmashree Babulal Dahiya said at the closing ceremony of the program that organic farming will produce quality agriculture and farmers will also benefit from sowing by exchanging crops. Dr. Kolekar, Joint Director, Horticulture, emphasized the necessary information for marketing along with the adoption of horticultural crops. Dr. BL Kuril Deputy Director Agriculture, Satna threw light on the schemes of farmer welfare. He expressed happiness about the good yield of wheat and paddy in Satna. It is noteworthy that AKS University organized the three-day grand event of the second Agrtech Madhya Pradesh Kisan Vigyan Mela and Agro Industry Exhibition from 23 to 25 February by the Department of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development.These stalls received first, second and third prizes
75 stalls were put up in the program which was inspected by the guests who came for three days and based on their opinion.
Several lectures were held on the third day in which Dr. Balaji Vikram gave a lecture on the restoration of old plants in horticulture, Dr.Dumar Singh, on the prevention of insects and diseases of crops, Vaidya Abdul Warsi discussed the topic of Nadi Dosha. Dr. RN Tripathi drew attention from the old tradition of agriculture towards saving nature by the farmers. Farmers and students were awarded reward after quiz.
These illuminations remained present and increased the dignity of the program.
Everyone participated in the finale together, leaving great expectations for the future.