AKS Student to carry out the research work in #China
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Shivpal Verma, the student from Biotechnology, will now be a “Research Scholar” of a prestigious institution named International Educational Agricultural and Forestry University, situated in Youngling province of China. Shivpal, under the guidance of Dr. Jung, will carry out the research work while Dr. Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, the Co-Guide, will assist him in learning the various intricacies of research. Notably, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi has rendered his services to AKS University in past. Shivpal will be paid Rs 65,000 as stipend during the course of his research work. Student has given the credit of the success to his grandfather Ishwardeen, father Hanuman Deen, Mother Mamta Verma, and last but not least, to the guidance and blessings of the teachers, who helped him in realization of his dream. Vice Chancellor PK Banik and Pro-Vice Chancellor Er. Anant Soni, have congratulated the student for his achievement.