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A Workshop on “SAI Lab” in AKS University

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AKS University, which is the “Remote Centre” of IIT Mumbai, organized a workshop on Wednesday where faculty members got the opportunity to learn the various intricacies of “SAI Lab”. Informing about it, Akhilesh Waoo (HoD, CS) told that the workshop was aimed at transmitting the valuable information on “SAI Lab”, which is an open source software, and is used in various scientific operations of engineering and technology.

 During the workshop, the participants were informed about the applications of SAI Lab in mathematics and simulation, 2D and 3D visualization, optimization, statics, control system; signal processing, application development and dynamic system modeling. Also, it plays an important role in research related activities.

 The workshop was organized under the successful guidance of Dr. Akhilesh A Waoo and Atul Deep Soni, and it was attended by the faculty members named Diwakar Dubey, Maneesh Agrawal, Gauri Richhariya, Dr. Sudha Agrawal, Dr. Ekta Shriwastava, Dr. Bharat Raj, Dr. Neelesh Rai and Saket Kumar. All the participants termed the workshop as “Interesting and Informative one”.



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Guest Friday, 07 March 2025