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Do not get down in the sea, but if you get down, come with pearls - Anurag Verma, Collector Satna Ceremonial Inaguration of three courses in the auditorium of AKS University, Satna

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.  The faces of the participants lit up on finding three IAS,  Anurag Verma IAS Satna Collector, Ms. Tanvi Hooda, IAS, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Satna Dr.  Parikshit Jade IAS Panchayat Satna amongst themselves.  They were accompanied by Mr. Rajesh Sahi, Additional District Magistrate. Anant Kumar Soni, Pro Chancellor, taught 120 important life lessons to the 120 participants and  acquainted them with some aspects of employment oriented courses and their preparation points. He also gave necessary advice for career.  With the learning of how to connect with normal life while sitting in the high positions. The students felt the tales of vitality and passion. They were encouraged that  they can also achieve bigger goals  in life. The guests reminisced about their past.  The stories they related were interesting.

Inauguration of three certificate courses - Competitive and Yoga certificate courses were inaugurated by the chief guest Anurag Verma, Collector Satna, exposing his simple style he said  that if I were not a collector, I would have definitely been a teacher, Collector Satna told  that he was a student of M.Sc, Mathematics but became IAS with History.  He belonged to the middle class family but never had a habit of looking at the negative sides. He always felt that dreams are not those which are seen in sleep but those which may not let us sleep. Anurag Burma ji always felt that he can become an IAS.  He said that we all are heroes, we have to keep self-confidence and always continue the process of thinking, He said around 10 lakh people appear in the IAS exam and around 180 people become collectors but the rest do not get despaired.  You are hero.  He told that he qualified for IAS without coaching. While motivating the participants, he said that when they have landed in the sea, they have to return with pearls. He was speaking on the occasion of inauguration of three Certificate Courses for All Competitive Exams to be conducted in 6 months, Yoga Therapy Certificate Course for 6 Months and 3 Months Yoga Therapy Certificate Course in  AKS University.  This was solemnized on 7th January in the presence of guests.  In the program Dr.  Parikshit Jade IAS, District Panchayat CEO, while sharing his experience with the participants, said that even after being from a small village in Maharashtra, I through Hindi medium,  cleared UPSC in the third attempt. My father was a bus conductor but the dream was always to do something big.  Sharing his experience, he told the participants that do coaching in those subjects in which you are weak. Essential knowledge of English is must. You should have a  backup syllabus for your career.  He said that self-evaluation is necessary.  It is not necessary that you know everything, it is important that you know a little bit of all.  Keep a few friends but keep good ones. Motivation would not always have been an IAS. For some the motivation may be  a doctor.  Municipal Commissioner Ms. Tanvi Hooda, IAS has drawn the blueprint of her IAS journey.  She told that before that she was selected in Haryana Public Service Commission and after working there for three and a half years she became Municipal Commissioner, Satna. She told that it is from Rohtak, narrating her story about the preparation shee said that 98%  hard work and relying on 2 percent luck she cleared her IAS in the third attempt.  She said that instead of reading many books, readingbest book available on the subject will be good and at least  ten times revision of the same good book can make you an expert in the subject.   This simplicity, choice of putting forth sincere efforts and result oriented work  are true worship. She advised to study according to the subject, keep a limited circle of friends, keep improving the soft skills, communication and writing skills, basically stay focused.  In the program, Rajesh Shahi ADM Satna, who is from Allahabad, told that if you are interested, go ahead by first finding out the real interest, so that the goal becomes easy, like poetry, he said that knowledge does not remain locked in any lock.  He told that dedication and family support is very important. 

Anant Kumar Soni, Pro Chancellor of the University, while narrating his life experience, said that one percent of the people who lead the world, is the leader, the whole world is riding on the wave of information. If the participants have the spirit of do or die, then the problems will disappear.  During the program Dr. Kaushik Mukherjee released a book on Management Skills along with the guests present.  Dr.  Harsh Vardhan then introduced  the guests and gave information about the book written by the Head if Management Department, Kaushik Mukherjee, on resource management, Dr. Vipin Vyohar Guest introduced the  main events of the program. The Vice Chancellor of the university, Dr.  Harsh Vardhan told that Mr. Anurag Verma is very simple, friendly and dutiful, while Ms. Tanvi Hooda has shown the sincerity and workmanship in reviewing the works of Smart City.  Similarly, the place Satna is getting in greenery, parallel to this cleaning and construction works is highly commendable.  Dr.  Parikshit is a settled administrator.  The director of courses, former chairman of UPSC, Dr.  Bipin Vyohar gave information about the course of all competitive exams.  Dilip Tiwari shared brief information about both the yoga courses and Vinay Singh will manage the courses.  While conducting the program Lovely Singh Gaharwar and Monu Tripathi invited the guests for lighting the lamp and garlanding in front of the statue of Maa Saraswati.  Tulsi Tripathi, a student of Basic Sciences enthralled the auditorium with the scintillating Saraswati Vandana and the gathering at the end of the programme.  During the program, a vote of thanks was given to the guests by presenting them mementoes.  In the program, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr.  R .  S. Tripathi, Dean of  All the Faculties, Directors and Faculty members were present. 




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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025