A research paper of a scholar of AKS University in International Conference The paper presentation of the research scholars was done by Charu Vyas and Shivangi Agnihotri, under the guidance of Dr. Ashwini.
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Under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Ashwini A. Wau, working in the Department of Biotechnology, the Research Scholars of AKS University Charu Vyas and Shivangi Agnihotri presented a virtual paper at the 8th International Conference of ISPEK held at Vingol University, Turkey. The theme of the conference was Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Rural Development. The topic of Research Scholar Charu Vyas was Microbial Consortium Medicated Approach for Restoration of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil while the topic of Shivangi Agnihotri was Bioinoculants for Elevating Salinity Stress in Plants. Be prophetic. On their efforts, the Dean of Biotech Department, Prof. G.P. Richaria and Head of the Department Dr. Kamlesh Choure have given best wishes for excellent research work and progress in future.