AKS University
AKS University, Satna M.P.
एकेएस वि.वि. के AKS Meat Platform पर कला संग्राम
Invisible Star-Hunting Talent Grand Finale के विजेता घोषित
सतना। एकेएस वि.वि. के सांस्कृतिक निदेशालय के द्वारा इंद्रधनुषी कला आकाश के मंच पर online virtual सांस्कृतिक महोत्सव Invisible Star-Hunting Talent Grand Finale का आयोजन किया गया। AKS Meat Platform पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम में शिरकत करने सतना ही नहीं बल्कि भारतवर्ष के विभिन्न राज्यों के कई वर्गों में 200 से भी ज्यादा उम्दा कलाकारों ने हिस्सा लिया। उल्लेखनीय है कि तीन विधाओं में स्वर श्री, (गायन) में कला के रंगों को देखकर अनायास ही मन झंकृत हो उठता था, वहीं झंकार (नृत्य) के दौरान कलाकारों ने ताल ओर लय के साथ ऐसी बानगी प्रसतुत की जो वर्षो याद रखी जाएगी। अभिव्यक्ति (अभिनय) में अल्फाजों का ऐसा संयोजन हुआ कि खुशी,दुःख,उदासी,उल्लास,प्रेम,घृणा,अपमान का कलाकारों ने अपनी प्रसतुति में समावेश किया। आयोजन काफी सराहा गया। बाल स्टारों ने अपने चुलबुलेपन से रिझाया तो young star ने अपनी उर्जा से मंत्रमुग्ध किया। superstar समूह में भी खूब रंग जमाया। Invisible Star-Hunting Talent Grand Finale के अंतर्गत 45 वर्ष तक के प्रतिभागियों ने Audition Round में भाग लिया जिनमें प्रत्येक समूह के पाॅच प्रतिभागियों को Grand Finale हेतु चयनित किया गया। कार्यक्रम के आयोजन में डाॅ.दीपक मिश्रा,डाू.प्रदीप चोरसिया,श्वेता सिंह और बीरेन्द्र पाण्डेय प्रमुख रहे। Invisible Star-Hunting Talent Grand Finale के दौरान मुकेश खरे,वंदना अवस्थी,रीति पाण्डेय,डाॅ.रेखा लगरहा,उमेश वर्मन,सविता दाहिया का उल्लेखनीय योगदान रहा। Invisible Star-Hunting Talent Grand Finale-2020के विजेता और रनर अप क्रमशः बाल स्टार स्वरश्री सिंगिंग में कृष्णार्पण पाण्डेय,प्रतीक सिंह,बाल स्टार झंकार गीतांजलि चतुर्वेदी, घानी साहू,बाल स्टार अभिव्यक्ति में शमरन पाण्डेय, young star स्वरश्री महेन्द्र कुमार पाण्डेय, ,young star स्वरश्री मेघा पाठक, रिद्वी कपूर, ,young star स्वरश्री, young star झंकार मानसी मिश्रा, व्योमिका जायसवाल, superstar अभिव्यक्ति पीयूष दास, superstar स्वरश्री, कृष्णा शुक्ला, superstar स्वरश्री रागिनी ओझा, निंदिया सोनी, प्रमुख रही। सभी प्रतिभागियों को उनकी अनूठी,अद्भुत और अविस्मरणीय प्रस्तुतियों के लिए online certificates भी प्रदान किए गए।काय्रक्रम की सफलता पर वि.वि. प्रबंधन ने सभी प्रतिभागियों को बधाई देते हुए उनके उज्जवल भविष्य की शुभकामना प्रेषित की है।
एकेएस वि. वि. के Mining विभाग ने की मोयल, बालाघाट में industry-academy meet
सतना। एकेएस वि.वि. सतना के Mining विभाग द्वारा industry-academy meet का आयोजन मोयल,बालाघाट में किया गया। खनन उत्पादन और उत्पादकता विषय पर विमर्श के साथ विद्यार्थियों की Training and placement पर भी चर्चा हुई । इसी संदर्भ में माॅइल की भूमिगत खदानों में सुरक्षा के साथ नई तकनीक और एकेएस वि.वि. मे पढाए जा रहे पाठ्यक्रम डिप्लोमा और B.Tech में क्या बदलाव अपेक्षित है बदलाव और समय उपयोगी पाठ्यक्रम की आवश्यकता पर बात हुई इस संदर्भ में Moyle, Hindustan Copper and Coal India आदि के साथ निरंतर विमर्श होता रहता है। एकेएस वि.वि. ने industry-academy meet के माध्यम से अब तक कई कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए है जिनके सकारात्मक परिणाम आए है जिन्हे विषयवार शामिल भी किया जाता है। एकेएस वि.वि. ने इस संदर्भ में विस्तार से बातचीत की। कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि के रुप में मोयल बालाघाट के Unit Head मि. पडेरा और Mines General Manager मि. भाटी ने अपने उद्बोधन दिए और एकेएस वि.वि. की उपलब्धियों की सराहना की। एकेएस वि.वि. के Pro-chancellor अनंत कुमार सोनी ने भी industry-academy को संबोधित किया। वि.वि. की ओर से प्रो.जी.के.प्रधान और मनीष अग्रवाल उपस्थित रहे।
AKS University Satna declared the names of the winner of the art Kala Sangram
Invisible Star - Hunting Talent Grand Finale on AKS Meet Platform.
AKS University The Grand Finale of Invisible Star, an online virtual cultural festival, was organized on the platform of Indradhanush Kala Akash by the Cultural Directorate of AKS University, India. Not only did Satna attend the event organized on the AKS Meet platform, but more than 200 great artists participated in many categories from different states of India. It is worth mentioning that in three genres, Swar Sri, (singing), the audience got excited while seeing the colors of art, whereas during Jhankaar (dance), the artists presented such a melody with rhythm and that will be remembered for years. In the expression (acting), there was such a combination of alphas that the actors included joy, sorrow, sadness, joy, love, hatred, humiliation in their performances. The event was highly appreciated. While the child stars wooed with their finesse, the young star mesmerized the audience with reflection of energy. There was a lot of variety in the superstar group too. Under the Grand Finale of Invisible Star, participants up to 45 years participated in the audition round in which five participants from each group were selected for the Grand Finale. In organizing the program, Dr. Deepak Mishra, Pradip Choresia, Shweta Singh and Birendra Pandey were the leading members. Mukesh Khare, Vandana Awasthi, Reeti Pandey, Dr. Rekha Lagaraha, Umesh Varman, Savita Dahiya contributed significantly during The Invisible Star's grand finale. The winners and runners up of the Invisible Star Hunting Talent Grand Finale-2020 were Krishnarpan Pandey, Prateek Singh, Bal Star Jhankar were Geetanjali Chaturvedi, Ghani Sahu in Bal Star Swarashree Singing, Sharaman Pandey in Bal Star Expressions, Young Star Swarashree Mahendra Kumar Pandey, Young Star Swarashree Megha Pathak, Ridvi Kapoor, Young Star Swarashree, Young Star Jhankar Mansi Mishra, Vyomika Jaiswal, Super Star Manifestation Piyush Das, Super Star Swarashree, Krishna Shukla, Super Star Swarashree Ragini Ojha, Nindia Soni. All the participants were also awarded online certificates for their unique, amazing and unforgettable presentations. The University Management congratulated on the success of the program and sent them best wishes for a bright future.
Mining Department of AKS University organised Industry - Academia Meet at Moyle, Balaghat.
Satna. AKS University's Mining Department organised Industry - Academia Meet at Moyal, Balaghat. Training and placement were also discussed, along with discussions on mining production and productivity, Training and Placements were also discussed. The discussion proceeded in the context that the new technology and safety in the underground mines of moyele and what other changes are expected in curriculum planning for the B.Tech and Diploma courses which are being taught in the AKS University. There has been a continuous discussion with Moyle, Hindustan Copper and Coal India in this context. So far, it has been organized several programs by AKS University through the Industry-Academia Meet, which brought positive results and they are also included subject wise. AKS University proposed a detailed discussion In this context. Moyle Balaghat's Unit Head Mr. Padera as the Chief Guest at the program and Mines General Manager Mr. Bhati addressed the gathering through virtual meet and praised the achievements of University. On behalf of the University Prof. G.K. Pradhan and Manish Aggarwal were present.
AKS University Satna concludes the two-day National Web Conference at the Department of Environmental Science.
Interesting information on Challenges and Opportunities in Life Science for Self Sustaining Life Security
Satna. A two-day program on Challenges and Opportunities in Life Science for Self Sustaining Life Security was organized on 18 and 19 August. The two-day National Web Conference of Department of Environmental Science of AKS University and Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology concluded on 19 August. K. Raman, Nodal Officer Green India Mission, Bhopal with its theme Green India Mission, Restoring Forest Landscapes in India Prof. R.R. Giving information on Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, K Srivastava, Government Model Science College, Jabalpur said that biodiversity is a gift given by nature, it will have the consequences of tampering. Dr. Birendra Mishra, Associate Professor Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, BHU.Baranasi lectured on Paradox of Sustainable Development. OP Sharma Head Department of Botany, Government PG College, Bundi, while discussing wild edible forest plants, said that wild edible, trees and shrubs are not only a source of medicines but also are edible and nutritious. Dr.RLS, Sikarwar Professor, AKS University Satna introduced the topic by giving a lecture on the Study of Ethno Botany is More Relevant in Covid 19 Pandemic. The concluding two-day National Web Conference program at the Department of Environment Science was conducted on the virtual meeting tool AKS Meet. Dr. Mahendra Kumar Tiwari, Convenor of Program introduced all the guests. Pro Chancellor Anant Kumar Soni gave an introductory speech. Professor of Department of Environment Science Suman Patel, Manish Kushwaha and Bhupundra Singh had special support in the program.
Selection of two students of of AKS University for the post of Quality Inspector
Two students of Computer Science Department got selection through campus drive.
Satna. Two students of AKS University,Satna, Sujit Kumar Dubey and Deepender Singh have been selected through Campus Drive. Two students of MSc, Chemistry have been selected among the selection of students from different faculties. They are selected in Junax Energy Products Limited Company. They have been selected for the post of Quality Inspector in the company, both the selected students have been selected for Rs. one lakh and eighty thousand per annum salary package. University's Pro chancellor Anant Kumar Soni, Vice Chancellor Prof. Paritosh K Banik, Training and Placement Department Director MK Pandey, Balendra Vishwakarma, Manoj Singh, Prachi Pandey have congratulated both the students on selection. Students have given credit for their selection to the guidance of their gurus along with their families.